Five to 7 business days from the time your order is placed.
We recommend that you contact FedEx for pick up. FedEx drop-off requirements can vary from geographical location.
No - you’ll need to send the first sample within 2 days from the date the collection ends. We recommend you complete the collections consecutively, however, if you have been directed otherwise by your physician, we’ll need to send out another shipping box and label for you.
No, just the medications that you physician has prescribed for your kidney stones.
Check with your doctor.
We recommend that you wait until you feeling well enough to eat and drink normally.
Yes, the preservative contains toxic chemicals, just like many household cleaners, and should be handled with caution and kept away from children and pets. Wash your hands with soap and water. We don’t recommend that you flush the plastic bottle down the toilet, and encourage you to pour carefully or use the spout when you discard the left over urine specimen into the toilet.
We recommend that you do not complete the collection if you have a urinary tract infection, otherwise, other infections should not interfere in our testing. However, we encourage you to eat and drink normally during the collection process, so if your infection is interfering with your normal diet routines we suggest you wait until you are back to eating and drinking normally.
If stool contaminates your urine specimen it will be rejected, as it interferes with testing. Please contact a customer service representative for a new collection kit.
Yes, we encourage you to eat and drink normally the day before and during the collection process, only the supplement form interferes with the lab test.
If you haven’t started your collection, we encourage you to wait for the stone to pass. However, it will not interfere with testing.
Vit C may cause kidney stones, but we ask that you stop taking supplements as they may interfere with some of the testing performed by the lab. We want to make sure your results are a true reflection of what is going on in your body.
Both measurements can be used, however there are more gradations on the jug when it’s placed vertically on a flat surface. We recommend you place the jug on a flat surface and take a vertical measurement.
1 full calendar day. For example – 7AM Monday through 7AM Tuesday
You don’t have to start it first thing in the morning. First void should be put in the toilet.
Yes – we encourage you to eat and drink as you normally do.
Please visit and fill out the form.
Yes, if you miss a void, your results will be compromised and your sample may be rejected.
No, you don’t have to start it first thing in the morning, though most people find that the most convenient way to do the collection. First void should be put in the toilet.
A physician order for testing services is good for 6 months.
No, the kit does not expire, but we recommend you complete the collection as directed by your physician.
Labcorp now has a look-alike test that is orderable (910103) using standard Labcorp workflows. Please contact your sales representative if you would like to use Labcorp serum test offering
Serum test results will not be presented on the Litholink Interpretive Report. As we work to make improvements and upgrade the report. However, serum results will be available through the standard Labcorp report (910103)
You can get your blood drawn at a Labcorp patient service center, or some physicians request you get the draw at the physician office.
You can get your blood drawn at a Labcorp patient service center, or some physicians request you get the draw at the physician office.
Yes, however we strongly encourage you to ship it the day you complete it to ensure the specimen gets to our laboratory in Chicago on time. The specimen is good for 4 days from the date the collection ends, but we recommend you allow 1-2 days for FedEx delivery. Therefore we recommend you ship within 2 days of starting your collection.
There is no signature requirement on the FedEx label provided by Labcorp, however, we recommend that when you schedule pick up, you let the FedEx representative know if you will not be home and where the shipping package has been left.
Labcorp will cover the cost of shipping your specimen back to our lab. When calling FedEx, follow the automated prompts to schedule a pick-up. You will not need an account number. Your tracking number is available on your pre-labeled return box.
We recommend that you call your local FedEx, as hours may vary based on location and geography.
A tracking number is provided on the FedEx label.
Yes, FedEx will pick up from the address you provide them.
No, but your physician should expect results two weeks from the time you send the kit back to us. Your physician will notify you of the results, and available through the patient portal.
If a patient is a potential organ donor and they are part of a transplant program through the hospital, there is a form the hospital gives the patient that indicates who should be billed for the testing.
After Labcorp processes and completes your sample.
Labcorp will bill all Medicaid plans.
If you are unable to provide a photo copy of your insurance card, please make sure to fill out everything that is being asked on the insurance form.
Labcorp is unable to tell you what your Insurance benefits are or what will be applied to patient responsibility, you would need to contact your insurance carrier directly.
If your insurance carrier uses your Social Security number as your member ID number, then yes. If not, you do not have to provide it.
Patient information goes at the top where it asks for patient information. If the patient is covered under a spouse’s/parents’/guardians’ policy, their information will go where it asks ‘Complete this section only if you are covered by insurance under someone else’s policy” in the middle of the page.
LabCorp received information from either your ordering physician or your insurance company indicating that you are responsible for all or part of the fees for testing services we provided. For more information about a bill you received from LabCorp, please contact Patient Billing at 800-845-6167.
Please call us at 1-800-338-4333 and select “Billing.”
The Medicare claims address is already on file; you do not have to fill out that portion on the insurance form.
On the insurance form, where it asks for Insurance plan name, write ‘Medicare’. Under that where it asks for policy, subscriber or membership number; write in your Medicare contract number followed by the letter as listed on your Medicare card.
No, our billing system is not set up to store this information prior to the sample being completed.
Labcorp will bill all insurance companies, whether in or out of network. Patients are responsible for any deductible and/or out of pocket expenses that insurance carrier assigns as patient responsibility.
Visit the Labcorp Patient Bill Payment Website:
Please call us at 1-800-338-4333 and select “billing.”
Your insurance carrier address for medical claims and phone number is listed on the back of your insurance card.